As a fellow Englishman I have to cut in and simply state that I detest the game and have never understood the adoration of a bag of wind being hoofed around a field
El blanko
JoinedPosts by El blanko
Mighty Arsenal Could Be Beaten By The Crowd Tonight..!
by Englishman inarsenal!
number 1 team in england, number 1 team in europe, probably the number 1 team in the whole world!
they haven't been defeated for 35 matches.
El blanko
I suspect you may be a time waster .. .but you may be true to your word (and I hope so).
If so and the latter is the case, I think you need to pick apart the Churches doctrine and practises and glance across it's history through the ages. You will notice that the Church has happily sat behind heads of state who have gone forth to wage war across the earth and enslave other nations. The idolatrous practise of the Catholic Church goes without saying, as does the worship of man (the pope - the saints?).
The worship of Mary is not scriptural - neither is hellfire - with much debate neither is the trinity (you will find plenty of threads throughout the board discussing this element). Neither is purgatory or infant baptism etc etc There are loads of areas to attack my friend or my enemy.
What about this for fine priestly conduct -
Now begone
Seriously, take care if you are true to your word and I hope your quest ends up in a semblance of truth.
El blanko
get myself brainwashed
Is your Catholic faith that weak?
El blanko
and why should i not be proud of being Catholic?
hehe hehe hehe har harrrr har har hehe harrrr har ha ha etc etc
El blanko
How come JW don't try to defend themselves?
Next time you meet one, ask for a free home Bible study. You never know, you may learn something about JWs.
El blanko
I'm Catholic
Hardly a boast to be proud of IMO
El blanko
all your beliefs are focused around false translations of the bible
I take issue there Spooner as much as I'd love to agree with you. You need to be more specific about which belief you are attacking.
El blanko
The governing body of JWs do indeed exert a cult like control over members.
If you are interested in breaking apart the belief system of the average JW try:
Crisis Of Conscience & In Search Of Christian Freedom both written by Raymond Franz. Rather good old bean... pip pip.
by Elmer J. Fudd injust wondering, has anyone here been cut with the wts's axe over smoking?
that's a no no, including smoking too, as far as the last "new light" i read.
all my dub sisters could pass as livestock.
El blanko
To be honest with thee dear sirs, it does not take a JW to realize that smoking is not wise ... does it? hmmmmm ....
(and yes I have smoked all sorts of things in my life and refrain from doing so)
Astrology is an imbecilic belief (no dissenting discussion please)
by rem inhow can supposedly intelligent adults actually believe (and waste any time) on this astrology crap?
are they mentally handicapped?
is it genetic?
El blanko
Whatever the true intention of this thread may be, for anybody wanting to take a test themselves and try a little experiment with friends, try this book:
Your own scientific (vomit) experiment if you like.